360 degree of laser scans instead of only 180 degree
Using the hokuyo sensor, i can only get 180 degreed of laser scans? How to get 360 degree laser scan. I followed the tutorials at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckSl4MbZLg&t=197s
Asked by Akhil on 2017-04-18 00:43:29 UTC
The hokuyo model uses a ray sensor. The two parameters you're looking for are <min_angle>
and <max_angle>
. The reason you're only getting 180 degrees of readings is because the author of the tutorial set the min and max angle to -90 and 90 degrees (see the values here -1.57 and 1.57 radians). To get 360 degrees of range change the minimum angle to -pi radians, and the maximum angle to +pi radians.
Asked by sloretz on 2017-04-18 17:19:29 UTC