Debug Gazebo (without ROS) using GDB
How is it possible to use gdb to debug Gazebo.
I do not use ROS, only Gazebo 7 on Ubuntu 14.04 (a bit old but I have other dependencies that require me to use 14.04). I built Gazebo from source and it worked fine. Following the instructions I used the command :
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../
to make sure I will be able to use gdb but when I start the program with gdb and I make the program crash, the stack is always empty. Should this be because I did not configure or start gdb correctly?
Are you starting gzserver and gzclient separately? Running gdb on both?
No I was running both at the same time using gazebo instead of gzserver <world> and then gzclient as was suggested to me on the other answer below. Thanks for your help!