no collision data after some time
I was trying to get the contact forces of my robot by listening at the /gazebo/default/physics/contacts topic. The results were quite unrealistic : when I summed all external contact forces on my robot, I got an average of 170N (will my robot weight 73kg), and with quite big oscillations and some contacts not present at each time step. So I tried to reduce the problem as simpler one, and I finished with a single box on the ground and I still have the problem, in particular after some time (about 1 second simulation time) I get no more contact data (only the time steps as if no collision).
The world file : C:\fakepath\world_test.sdf
to listen to the topic : run gz topic -e /gazebo/default/physics/contacts
in the terminal, or even beter gz topic -e /gazebo/default/physics/contacts > contact.txt
because it is generating lots of data (several MB per second).
In my case, I stopped getting contacts at 1s and 400000ns, which corresponded to line 685133 of the contact.txt file (C:\fakepath\contact.txt.7z.c : sorry, the file was so big the site refused it, so I had to compress it : to get it, download it, rename it in contact.txt.7z (I had to add the .c because the site refused archives) and uncompress it).
Do you have some idea where the problem may come from? Thank you very much in advance Felix
EDIT : I tested by launching gazebo without specifying a world file, and just adding a cube from the GUI : even if the time step isn't the same, it's still after 1 second that I get no longer the collisions : is it some kind of optimization to stop considering contacts after 1 second without movement? If so, how to disable it?