model set to be fixed to world keeps jittering
Background: I want to set one of the box object to be fixed to the world.
What I have tried:
if an object set to be fixed to the world, it will keeps jittering. According to my search, some say it could be inertia problem. Though I change it according to formula of uniform 3d object, and it still doesn't work
Source code:
Here is the wall.xacro // script I show has commented the below code
Code below used to make box object fixed to world.
<!-- wall fixed to the world-->
<link name="world"/>
<joint name="base_link_fixed" type="fixed">
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="wall_link"/>
However, the box turns out to be jittering all the time like dancing!!
Solution Found
Thank WarwickWagon's answer. The first solution works well.