Moving model out of origin gives error
I'm trying to move hector_quadrotor from origin to position (-12, -1, 0)
in the world, but I get this error:
propulsion model input contains **!?* Nan values!
drag model input contains **!?* Nan values!
My code to place it in the word follows:
<xacro:macro name="quadrotor_base_macro">
<link name="base_link">
<mass value="1.477" />
<origin xyz="-12 -1 0" />
<inertia ixx="0.01152" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01152" iyz="0.0" izz="0.0218" />
<origin xyz="-12 -1 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
<mesh filename="package://rodain_hector_quadrotor_description/meshes/quadrotor/quadrotor_base.dae"/>
<origin xyz="-12 -1 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
<mesh filename="package://rodain_hector_quadrotor_description/meshes/quadrotor/quadrotor_base.stl"/>
<!-- Sonar height sensor -->
<xacro:sonar_sensor name="sonar" parent="base_link" ros_topic="sonar_height" update_rate="10" min_range="0.03" max_range="3.0" field_of_view="${40*pi/180}" ray_count="3">
<origin xyz="0.16 0.0 -0.012" rpy="0 ${90*pi/180} 0"/>
The code to the sensor is this link
Asked by bxl on 2017-06-20 19:28:09 UTC