Problem: Depth camera plugin does not show any coloured images.
Hi everybody,
I'm currently trying to attach a camera to a robot. While that works fine, it seems that I can only see the depth images it produces and not the RGB images it should (I think?) also produce. Below is the SDF code I use to define the sensor:
<sensor name="downward_cam_camera_sensor" type="depth">
<pose>0 0 0 0 1.57079632679 0</pose>
<plugin name="downward_cam_camera_controller" filename="">
<interface:camera name="downward_cam_camera_iface"/>
When I check out the depth image with the command:
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/downward_cam/camera/depth_image
then I see a grey scale image which is fine. But when I check the other topic:
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/downward_cam/camera/image
Nothing appears. I checked if that topic exists, which is the case. But when I check if any messages are coming though:
rostopic echo /downward_cam/camera/image
no messages appear...
Does anybody have an idea how I can extract coloured images from the camera? Am I using the wrong plugin, are my parameters wrong?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!