Gazebo won't shutdown after killing gazebo node
I've encountered weird problem with gazebo. I used to be able to kill gazebo using rosnode kill -a
command. But now the gzserver only prints
[ WARN] [1498834601.073564298, 17.450000000]: Shutdown request received.
[ WARN] [1498834601.073614955, 17.450000000]: Reason given for shutdown: [user request]
but won't shutdown anymore. Both gzserver and gzclient are still running. Another weird thing is that I can't even see gazebo_gui
node with rosnode list
command, but gzclient
is running...
I'm using gazebo 7.6 with ubuntu 16.04 and ros kinetic.
Asked by l4ncelot on 2017-06-30 09:39:26 UTC
I've not used
rosnode kill
for killing gazebo before but it's a known issue that gazebo can take a while to shut down. A more forceful approach is to dokillall -9 gzserver gzclient
which should kill the processes immediately.Asked by iche033 on 2017-07-03 18:38:29 UTC