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Gazebojs subscribe to ImageTopic, subscribe rate.

Have a good day. In my model I use a camera sensor which <update_rate>10</update_rate> - 0.1 s. For example I build .js file, which is subscribed to Image topic Gazebo. I get images (jpeg) with a frequency of about 1 second. image description

How can I change this to images with a frequency of 10Hg?

Gazaebo8. GazeboJs 3.3.0. Thank you.

Asked by Kayfolom on 2017-08-11 08:37:35 UTC


Hello, nobody faced such problem?

Asked by Kayfolom on 2017-09-15 02:00:48 UTC


I'm not sure what is happening with you, I used a camera of update rate = 30 and almost got images with rate of 15 images/seconds

image description

Asked by MhAyman on 2017-09-26 01:02:38 UTC
