Gazebo system plugin tutorial problem: no frames saved
I am doing gazebo system plug in tutorial ( link )
After running the plugin, I suppose to have several pictures saved in /tmp/gazebo_frames directory. However, when I checked, I didn't even have such directory, let alone the frames.
Anyone has the same problem with me? What is the solution?
Side question: I know that gzserver
is to run the gazebo server, but what does the & modifier do in gzserver &
what gazebo version are you using? I tested with gazebo7 and it seems to work fine. The & puts gzserver process in the background, freeing the terminal to run another proces, i.e. gzclient
@iche033 I'm using gazebo 7 on Ubuntu 16, ROS Kinetic. You found the frames in /tmp/gazebo_frames folder?
yes I see the images in /tmp/gazebo_frames. When running the gzclient command with -g to load the plugin, add --verbose and see if that prints out any error messages