SDF file is not supported in ROS
hi, I am trying to simulate my own robot in gazebo so I have SDF file not URDF. I tried with SDF file in mybot.xacro file to use ROS but it shows " Unable to call parseURDF on robot model ". do i have to make completely new URDF file from or is there still option of simulation with SDF file ? or can I change SDF file to URDF file. Is there any method ?
Asked by mukesh_148 on 2017-08-21 13:55:57 UTC
I do not completely understand if you have the .xacro file apart from the SDF file. If you do, just generate the .urdf from it using:
rosrun xacro xacro --inorder robot.xacro > robot.urdf
Then load this one as you robot_description and the sdf file for the controllers, if you use some configuration like so. you can use directly the .xacro file like so:
<arg name="model" default="$(find your_package/urdf/robot.xacro"/>
<param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro --inorder $(arg model)" />
Asked by SorinV on 2017-08-29 09:40:07 UTC