Gazebo can't read color information from dae or stl mesh files
Hi, I want to insert a map that I generate. These maps are generate from point clouds (using PCL) and then, I generate mesh map using MeshLab. In MeshLab and Blender, I can see that the dae or stl files contains color information (in vertices and faces). However in the Gazebo simulator, these meshes are white. I tried to version of these files; 1. exported using MeshLab, 2. exported using Blender. How can I load color information from dae or stl mesh files generated from point clouds?
STL doesn't contain color information. Would you mind uploading one of the collada/dae files that doesn't show color in gazebo?
Hi, I uploaded and it contains 00_mesh.dae and 00_mesh_face.dae. Both files are generated using MeshLab and Blender. 00_mesh.dae has color information on vertices and 00_mesh_face.dae has it on faces.
I uploaded the file but I can't see it on this post. If you can see it either, can I send the file via other ways?
I don't see the files either. I tried adding a file to your post but I see `allowed file types are '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.bmp', '.png', '.tiff', '.launch', '.yaml', '.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.h', '.hh', '.hpp', '.py', '.proto', '.msg', '.srv', '.sdf', '.model', '.world'`. How about creating an issue on and uploading the files there?