Unable to use ur5_joint_limited_robot.urdf.xacro

asked 2017-09-09 14:42:21 -0500

EdwinvanEmmerik gravatar image


For a master assignment I have to use the UR5 to build Duplo structures. I already have the UR5 running on moveit.rviz and gazebo (https://github.com/ros-industrial/uni...). But, now I need to build these file structures myself without using moveit, according to my teacher. Altough whenever I want to test if the path is configured correctly, by running gazebo from terminal (according to this tutorial, http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=ro...). I can find the UR5 but, whenever I click on it gazebo gives me these errors:

Error: Failed to build tree: child link [base_link] of joint [world_joint] not found at line 226 in /build/urdfdom-UJ3kd6/urdfdom-0.4.1/urdf_parser/src/model.cpp

Error [parser_urdf.cc:3408] Unable to call parseURDF on robot model

Error [parser.cc:309] parse as old deprecated model file failed.

How can I get it to spawn correctly?

Thanks in advance!


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