Parallel Physics Gazebo 7.7.0 ROS Kinetic Ubuntu 16
Hi I want to test the parallel physic feature (islands). For that, I followed: parallel-physics
and I installed everything else needed: libgtest-dev, python-empy
hg merge sdformat4_4.1.0
hg commit
hg sum
parent: 2729:e7c0bfb62385 tip
Merge with branch sdformat4_4.1.0
branch: island_threads
commit: 1 unknown (clean)
update: (current)
phases: 1 draft
I installed libignition2-math with dgb and dev.
I encountered the following problems: error: no match for ‘operator/’ (operand types are ‘std::string {aka std::basic_string<char>}’ and ‘const char [7]’)
so I replaced
this->dataPtr->logPath = paths->GetTmpPath() / "gazebo";
this->dataPtr->logPath = paths->GetTmpPath() / boost::filesystem::path("gazebo");
as advised on the forum. fatal error: helper_physics_generator.hh: No such file or directory#include "helper_physics_generator.hh"
so I replaced
#include "helper_physics_generator.hh"
#include "gazebo/test/helper_physics_generator.hh"
Then it built....
The problem is that now I have a crash on
#0 ignition::math::SignalStats::InsertData (this=this@entry=0x30, _data=1.9623000000000002e-05) at /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ign-math-debbuilder/build/ignition-math2-2.8.0/src/
#1 0x00007facceca4839 in gazebo::util::DiagnosticTimer::InsertData (this=this@entry=0x7fac7c005e30, _name="loadPlugins", _time=...) at /home/robil/gazebo_parallel/src/gazebo/gazebo/util/
#2 0x00007facceca55be in gazebo::util::DiagnosticTimer::Lap (this=0x7fac7c005e30, _prefix="loadPlugins") at /home/robil/gazebo_parallel/src/gazebo/gazebo/util/
#3 0x00007facceca5861 in gazebo::util::DiagnosticManager::Lap (this=<optimized out>, _name="World::Step", _prefix="loadPlugins") at /home/robil/gazebo_parallel/src/gazebo/gazebo/util/
#4 0x00007faccd60b05e in gazebo::physics::World::Step (this=this@entry=0xdd00e0) at /
I am using: => /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f2342f68000) that is linked to: /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/ ->
Obviously I must have some incompatibilities... anyone can help me to sort that problem out?
Asked by mhallak on 2017-09-12 10:02:03 UTC
Hi, since many threads were talking about parallel physics and we spent some time bringing it back. Right now it has not been merged yet. But if you checkout sdformat from: (using branch island_threads) checkout gazebo from: (using branch diagnostics_scpeters)
The conflicts should be resolved. We will either update the tutorial or merge this changes to osrf repo. Let us know if this works.
Asked by Ying Lu on 2017-09-12 16:14:17 UTC
Hi @yinglu
With your two repositories:
branch island_threads and
- branch diagnostics_scpeters
and following Parallel Processing and on a station where gazebo 8 was installed from source:
it compiles and runs smooth!!!! Thanks a lot.....
But I don't see any improvement of the real time factor....(:+(
Asked by mhallak on 2017-09-13 01:13:32 UTC
Well, one of the reasons I didn't see improvement with real time factor is not clear: I added the two tags that were defined in sdf/1.5/physics.sdf to the file defined in sdf/1.6/physics.sdf. That removed the warning from the parser that it doesn't know: island_threads and thread_position_correction.
I really don't understand why I had to do that since the file is defined as:
Asked by mhallak on 2017-09-13 04:38:37 UTC
As for the speed up, it depends on the complexity of your simulation scenario as well, For example, if you have multiple PR2 robots, the speed up factor would be larger than only one PR2 robots. Since the simulation scene with multiple PR2 robots could easily represent multiple thread islands, for one interacted complex robot, this is not that natural. Hope this helps! You can also try mhallak's suggestion by resolving the warning.
Asked by Ying Lu on 2017-09-13 11:30:09 UTC