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Is there a easy way to get camera data and Depth Data ?

Hi guys,

i am really new in Gazebo. I got familiar with the fundamentals in the last 2 weeks. Now i need to get Camera Data. I did not found tutorials for this maybe someone can help me.

Asked by Baumboon on 2017-09-21 05:00:49 UTC


Could you give more details on how you'd like to "get" the data? Do you want to visualize it, or to export it to images, or to pass it to another program...?

Asked by chapulina on 2017-09-23 11:29:36 UTC

I want to get depth Data from Camera as float numbers to build maybe own sensors as example

Asked by Baumboon on 2017-09-25 04:06:55 UTC

the depth plugin should help get your depth data:

Note the RGB colors are not valid but the depth values should be.

Asked by iche033 on 2017-10-03 13:36:52 UTC
