IMU simulator from hector_gazebo_plugins is noisy even when configured to be pristine
Howdy folks,
I am using GazeboRosImu from hectorgazeboplugins ( ) and I noticed that even when I set my biases, drifts, offsets, etc.. all to zero, and the wheeled robot the IMU is mounted on is not moving, I still get noisy accelerations passed through.
When digging a little bit into the code (gazeborosimu.cpp) I noticed that the call to Link::GetWorldLinearVel() is noisy and has a bias. Since this linear velocity is differentiated in gazeborosimu.cpp to produce the linear acceleration, it will also be noisy as a result.
Is this normal Gazebo behavior?
Asked by Galto2000 on 2017-09-26 07:45:20 UTC
I cannot upvote, but I want this too! I have tried to calculate velocity based on the pose, but this gets even more noisy. Also, changing the update rate doesn't do much good.
Asked by Ago on 2017-09-27 01:58:26 UTC