Simulated robot model randomly appears in gzweb-gui
Not sure if addressing this question here is the correct place.
I have a custom urdf model which is controlled with some ROS nodes. My plan was to use the gzweb-gui from a docker container to visualize my simulation.
So first (to test it) I installed gzweb on my local machine - Ubuntu 16, Gazebo 7 - and had to do lot of troubleshooting to get it working. Copied the meshes to /http/client/assets, changed package:// to model:// in my urdf and all that stuff and it works well. Just in 1 of 10 cases my robot model did not appear in the gzweb-gui (also in the model tree), but when i moved the robot in translate mode (in the gazebo-gui) the robot suddenly appeared in the web-gui.
To build my docker container - ubuntu 16, ROS Kinetic, Gazebo 7, gzweb - i used the prepared docker files from osrf:
I made the setup like on my local machine, but the robot only appears in probably 1 of 10 cases - each case is a new container of the docker image that i builded. I tried some things like restarting gazebo and gzweb, moving the robot with velocity commands, setting position of the robot via the rosservice etc. but nothing helped.
There was also one case when the model showed up in the gzweb-gui and after closing and restarting gzweb it wasnt there anymore.
Did anyone had similar problems? Is there any fix of this?? Thanks for any responses!!!
PS: I need to use gzweb, cause i want to run several docker container with simulations on a server.