Building height map from occupancy grid
High all,
I've spent a few months doing SLAM and localization using an UGV and SICK LMS122. Therefore, I have plenty of 2D maps as pgm files.
Now, I'm implementing some control laws on a new kind of robot, and I would like to use Gazebo as a simulator to test my work. Moreover, I added a mono RGB camera to my robot, to have better performances in obstacles tracking and classification. But I don't want to SLAM in 3D
So, my question is pretty simple : how can I use a pgm file (occupancy 2D grid map) in order to build an height map and create a 3D environment in Gazebo ?
I've looked on ROS answers, and no one seems to have succeeded, at least not for a final 3D environment. I try to use other simulators (StageROS, DRCSim,...) but their installation on my laptop is an absolute mess.. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic.
Thanks in advance for your help !
EDIT I tried Chapulina trick today, and gzserver ends up crashing everytime... I created a file that looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
<world name="default">
<!-- A global light source -->
<model name="heightmap">
<link name="link">
<collision name="collision">
<size>1953 1953 10</size>
<pos>0 0 0</pos>
<visual name="visual_abcedf">
<size>1953 1953 10</size>
<pos>0 0 0</pos>
The parking_resized.png file looks like this : C:\fakepath\Parking_resized.png
and wall_texture.png is just a big white square.
Can you help me with that ? thank you
Asked by GuillaumeHauss on 2017-10-12 08:57:32 UTC
You could try using it as a gray-scale heightmap:
- Convert the PMG to a PNG
- Convert the colors so the ground (height == 0) is black and the occupied areas (height == max) are white
- Scale it to have a size of 2^n + 1 (for example 257 x 257 pixels)
- Use it in a
tag as in this example
I believe you'll need to create a dummy texture for the walls, probably an all-white png would do the trick. Otherwise you'll get an invalid yellow and black texture on the heightmap.
Hope this helps!
I tried your heightmap and you're almost there. All you need is to resize the image to be a power of 2 plus 1. Right now it is 1953x1953, the closest possible values are 1025 (2^10+1) or 2049 (2^11+1). I tried your texture with 1025 and Gazebo seemed to be struggling to handle it though. So I resized it to 257 and voila:
It's not super pretty, but I hope it helps you somehow.
Asked by chapulina on 2017-10-12 10:08:55 UTC
Thanks a lot for your idea ! It looks a bit tricky, but that's better than nothing ! I'll give it a try ASAP!
Asked by GuillaumeHauss on 2017-10-12 10:37:15 UTC
Soo.. I gave it a try and that was unsuccessful. See edit for more info..
Asked by GuillaumeHauss on 2017-10-13 02:52:31 UTC
Yeah, I also size did matter when my computer crashed loading a 4084*4084 image ^^ I've found this git repo and this works amazingly well ! Textures are not editable, but I don't care. Make sure you have a really sharpened image otherwise, height extrapolation will be messy Anyway, thanks a lot for helping me out !
Asked by GuillaumeHauss on 2017-10-13 09:10:17 UTC