Apply force to a joint with Ros?
Hello Guys,
is it possible to apply a force to an joint with Ros?
I created an arm and before i start with ros joint controller i want to try something easier.
Hello Guys,
is it possible to apply a force to an joint with Ros?
I created an arm and before i start with ros joint controller i want to try something easier.
Asked: 2017-10-25 07:23:38 -0600
Seen: 2,298 times
Last updated: Oct 25 '17
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Yes, the easiest way to do that (to my knowledge) would be to write a brief joint plugin which you can then send commands to via ROS
can i do this like they describe it in :
^ Yes, that's what you want to do.
there is also the ~/apply_joint_effort ros service mentioned in the ROS communication tutorial, though I've not tried it before: