Plotting physics data from standalone gazebo model
I am looking to plot the physics - position velocity and acceleration . I can see 2 approach 1. gzlog and somehow taking the data from the terminal screen to plot it. (appears that gzlog was not created for plotting though !) 2. create a plugin that publishes this data and then plotting from code.
Please advise which of the above is smarter?
Asked by pchidamb on 2017-11-16 16:54:38 UTC
If you use Gazebo 8, there is a built-in plotting tool which supports exporting to CSV and PDF:
Asked by chapulina on 2017-11-16 17:20:00 UTC
That looks pretty cool. What would be the best option for Gazebo 7?
Asked by josephcoombe on 2017-11-16 17:37:13 UTC
Unfortunately I think a custom plugin which prints/plots the data you need would be your best bet
Asked by chapulina on 2017-11-16 17:58:04 UTC