Can't get sonar data with rostopic echo
I've added a sonar sensor on my custom robot model, and i also added the plugin for the sonar in my xacro file like this:
<gazebo reference="sonar1">
<sensor name='sonar_sensor' type='ray'>
<plugin filename="" name="gazebo_ros_sonar1_controller">
In Topic Visualization window inside gazebo gui i see the topic
and i can view the data with the
gz topic -e /gazebo/default/robot/link_name/sonar_sensor/scan
but i want to see the sonar data via
rostopic echo /sensor/sonar0
which is the topicName inside the plugin. So i followed evarobot tutorials and subscribed on that topic. The problem is that when i run
rosrun evarobot_sonar_subs sonar_listener
and then
rostopic echo /sensor/sonar0
i get the message
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?
Do i miss something? Thanks in advance!
Does running "rostopic list" displays anything related to sonar0? anything in the logs? Running roslaunch with the option output:=screen gives any hint?
Rostopic list displays the topic normally when i rosrun the evarobot file. Roslaunch with that option doesn't give me anything. I also changed the name of the topic through the evarobot cpp file to "/gazebo/default/robot/link_name/sonar_sensor/scan" but nothing changed and i see that also in the rostopic list. But now i'm not able to change it back to sonar0 even if i change the cpp file and build it again.
So gazebo itself seems to work well but the plugin seems to have some problems. It is part of hector repository, if I'm not wron. You could try getting help into their issue tracker
ok thank you!