uri file attribute in SDF files
If the file path is relative, which is the base directory and how can we specify it?
If the file path is relative, which is the base directory and how can we specify it?
Base paths for relative URIs are specified in environment variables. For example GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH
Asked: 2012-11-09 06:07:32 -0500
Seen: 1,921 times
Last updated: Jul 23 '13
no file dialogs in gazebo 11.10.2
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How to include uri relatively?
I think its the directory of the world file, are you also getting directory not found error?
Hi, I am getting an error that says "Image filename is empty"
I believe this is an error that you can ignore, and has been removed in the default branch. Are you experiencing any related problems?
when I specify a png heightmap, it doesn't load the heightmap, instead a large 2d black rectangle where the heightmap should be. The Pioneer robot is next to this space on the ground. I have attached a screenshot of gazebo, my heightmap mage, and the world file at http://inky.ws/g/2cz
oh, and I am using gazebo-1.2.5