How to control a single wheel(continus joint)
hi ,I want to control a single wheel . I know the DiffDrivePlugin but it not for me
what should I do
asked 2018-01-19 23:12:27 -0500
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hi ,I want to control a single wheel . I know the DiffDrivePlugin but it not for me
what should I do
You could try writing your own plugin.
It should consist of a cmd_vel subscriber (or whichever topic you use for the velocity commands) and the part where you apply the command on your wheel (so for example either a setVelocity command or if you use ros_control then a publisher for the command topic).
If you're not familiar with writing plugins then I suggest you start with the tutorials.
Do check the source code of diffrive_plugin as it has the necessary components you need.
Asked: 2018-01-19 23:12:27 -0500
Seen: 247 times
Last updated: Jan 22 '18
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