4 wheel robot differential controller
I have designed simple a 4-wheel robot and I want to make it move. The controller below is located in "myrobot.gazebo" file and it works with 2 wheels and a caster. Is it possible to modify the controller so it can control 2 wheels on each side?
<plugin name="differential_drive_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so">
hi @VEGETA did you find the answer to this question? I have found some examples for this problem. However, they are all made using 2 wheels. And I think it's very difficult to make a 4 or 6-wheel robot using these examples. I have a robot with 6 wheels right now and I want to make it move. https://goo.gl/9wknlrhttps://goo.gl/JtEWFChttps://goo.gl/UUVdzA