Setting initial velocity in plugin
I am trying to have a model rotate along a Lissajous curve. I am using torques to set the angular acceleration to be able to simulate this movement.
For this to work, I have to set the initial angular velocity.
I tried this by adding a parameter which checks if the update method has run before, and then set the angular velocity the first time the Update method of the plugin is called.
if (!this->dataPtr->runOnce){ this->dataPtr->link->SetAngularVel({0,50,0}); this->dataPtr->runOnce = true; }
However, if I print out the
I can see that it is set, but the next time the Update method is called, it is already set to a value close to zero.
Just to be sure I added a delay before setting the torques, but they don't have any influence on the initial value, so they must be reset somewhere else...
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
EDIT 1 Based on the comments some additional information:
Each timestep I set the forces/torques working on the model. If I do not set an initial velocity, I can see that my velocity changes each timestep according to the formula v = v0 + a*dT, with a = F/m. I set the mass of the model to 1 for easy calculation of the required force.
However, if I do set the initial velocity (using the instantaneous method) I can see that in t=0, the velocity is set to the requested value, but that in the next timestep, the velocity is calculated as in the formula above, but with v0 = 0 instead of v0 = "the requested value"
I want to have my model move according to a set pattern, and for this to work I need to be able to set an initial velocity.