contact sensor is not working in Gazebo8 ,Gazebo9 and Gazebo10
In gazebo8 ,gazebo9 and gazebo10 (install from source), the contact atrribute in ContactSensor class is Not work. When I get a ContactSensor by
contacts =this->ContactSensor->Contacts()
, Then the results ofcontacts.contact_size()
and other related values are all zero or empty.But method like
is work. Why?By the way, gazebo4 and gazebo7 is OK.
Problem Solved.It was the name of the collision cause the problem.I had named my contact link in xacro file like this
<link name="simple">
<collision name="simple_collision">
and use it like this
<gazebo reference="simple">
It would Not work in this case. I should Not add a <collision name="simple_collision">
in xacro file. Just use <collision>
in xacro file, it will gives you linkname+_collision
It would help if you shared some minimum example which someone can compile to reproduce the error
Thank you. You really give me a good idea to debug my code. And I solved it by simplify the model into a box. And find that it was the name of collusion cause the problem.
Hey Thanks! Huge help - I was stuck on this for a little. Would you mind discussing a little bit how you figured this out?