Prevent robot going through obstacle showing unstable behaviour
We are using Gazebo and ODE Physics Engine to train a robot to avoid an obstacle. In case of collision, the robot shows the following undesired behaviour:
- Interpenetration between the robot and the obstacle is not corrected
- The robot becomes very unstable showing a jittering behaviour and the joints drift away from each other
We have explored the following options with no results so far:
- Make simulation slower, decrease the realtime factor
- Modify physics engine parameters and Gazebo link/joint parameters such as damping, friction, CFP, ERP
- Increase no. iterations, change SOR
- Set the minimum depth allowed before contact correction is applied to 0.0001
The unstable and non-realistic robot behaviour persists, what makes as wonder if this is due to the choice of the parameters or intrinsic to the collision computation method used by ODE.