An alternative to writing
a Gazebo Plugin that publishes force/torque data to a ROS Topic
is to write
a ROS Node that listens to the Gazebo Transport layer and republishes force/torque data to a ROS Topic.
Uses the Gazebo Force/Torque Sensor.
@sloretz's answer is probably better. I did it this way - in my case - because I wanted to access some options that were not available in the gazebo_ros force/torque plugin.
<gazebo reference="joint_name">
<sensor name="joint_name_force_torque" type="force_torque">
gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic.cpp (place in src directory of ROS package)
* Name: gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic.cpp
* Author: Joseph Coombe
* Date: 11/22/2017
* Edited: 11/27/2017
* Description:
* Subscribe to a Gazebo transport topic and publish to a ROS topic
// Gazebo dependencies
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <gazebo/gazebo.hh>
#include <gazebo/gazebo_client.hh>
// ROS dependencies
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped.h>
#include <iostream>
ros::Publisher pub;
void torquesCb(const ConstWrenchStampedPtr &_msg)
std::cout << "Received msg: " << std::endl;
std::cout << _msg->DebugString() << std::endl;
geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped msgWrenchedStamped;
// try WrenchStamped msgWrenchedStamped;
msgWrenchedStamped.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
msgWrenchedStamped.wrench.force.x = _msg->wrench().force().x();
msgWrenchedStamped.wrench.force.y = _msg->wrench().force().y();
msgWrenchedStamped.wrench.force.z = _msg->wrench().force().z();
msgWrenchedStamped.wrench.torque.x = _msg->wrench().torque().x();
msgWrenchedStamped.wrench.torque.y = _msg->wrench().torque().y();
msgWrenchedStamped.wrench.torque.z = _msg->wrench().torque().z();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ROS_INFO("Starting gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic node");
// Load Gazebo
gazebo::client::setup(argc, argv);
// Load ROS
ros::init(argc, argv, "gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic");
// Create Gazebo node and init
gazebo::transport::NodePtr node(new gazebo::transport::Node());
// Create ROS node and init
ros::NodeHandle n;
// Get ROS params
std::string gazebo_transport_topic_to_sub;
std::string ros_topic_to_pub;
double ros_rate;
ros::param::get("~gazebo_transport_topic_to_sub", gazebo_transport_topic_to_sub);
ros::param::get("~ros_rate", ros_rate);
pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped>(ros_topic_to_pub, 100);
// Listen to Gazebo force_torque sensor topic
gazebo::transport::SubscriberPtr sub = node->Subscribe(gazebo_transport_topic_to_sub, torquesCb);
ros::Rate loop_rate(ros_rate); // 100 hz
return 0;
Make sure to add the following sections to your CMakeLists.txt (sorry this is a bit messy):
## Compile as C++11, supported in ROS Kinetic and newer
# Find Gazebo
find_package(gazebo REQUIRED)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")
include_directories( ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}
<node name="joint_name" pkg="my_pkg_gazebo" type="gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic"
output="screen" launch-prefix="xterm -e" >
<param name="gazebo_transport_topic_to_sub" type="str" value="/gazebo/default/robot_name/joint_name/joint_name_force_torque/wrench" />
<param name="ros_topic_to_pub" type="str" value="force_torque/robot_name/joint_name_force_torque" />
<param name="ros_rate" type="double" value="100.0" />
@josephcoombe@sloretz are there any methods you are aware of that can be inserted into the robot.urdf or ur.gazebo?
@ir101095 Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "methods". Could you clarify? Whichever force/torque plugin you end up using - I recommend testing it on a simple .urdf first, and then adding it to a more complicated robot once you've proved to yourself that it works as you expect!
@josephcoombe what i meant by "methods" was instead of writing up a plugin as a separate file and in a c++ and then calling it later, do either of you know of an example that involves inserting a section of code directly into the urdf of the universal robot that sets up the plugin? not sure if i clarified enough. I've been trying to look for force_torque examples that have been implemented directly into the robot packages (urdf, launch and gazebo files etc)
@Ir101095 In order to get force-torque joint data, you have to use a Gazebo Plugin defined via C++. However, you do not necessary need to write that Plugin yourself because there are already 2 force/torque plugins (that I know of): and
@lr101095 in my answer below, I set up the Force/Torque Sensor plugin in my .urdf - have you tried using my answer as a template in your own robot? You should have all the pieces. The Force/Torque sensor is included in Gazebo 7 - you just need to declare it in your .urdf - and I've provided the code for a gazebo_transport_to_ros node. Let me know if that answers your question or not.
@josephcoombe how do i call your gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic.cpp and make sure that it' actually using that program to setup the plugin? i'm not sure which directory i should be putting the cpp in. i've already included your templates for urdf and the launch and i have edited them as needed. but the ros node still doesnt show up in rostopic list
@josephcoombe I'm also not sure what to do for the pkg part in <node name="joint_name" pkg="my_pkg_gazebo" type="gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic" output="screen" launch-prefix="xterm -e"> I'm assuming this package is where the cpp may be found, but as mentioned above, i'm not sure where to put the cpp and where to call it from.
@lr101095 the gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic.cpp should be called via a .launch file as shown in my answer. My gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic.cpp node DOES NOT setup the Gazebo Force/Torque Plugin. The Gazebo Force/Torque Plugin gets set up automatically by Gazebo when the urdf is loaded via the gazebo_ros spawn_urdf node (not shown in my example). You should place the .cpp file in the src directory of a ROS Package - also amend your CMakeLists (I've updated my answer).
@lr101095 the pkg attribute should be the package where you placed the .cpp file (my_pkg_gazebo/src/gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic.cpp) - make sure you modify that package's CMakeLists.txt to properly compile a C++ node (I've amended my answer slightly).