Moment of Inertia of Link
For the following SDF, I am trying to determine how to input the moment of inertia matrix. I have an in house simulation tool that inputs the moment of inertia at the COG w.r.t. the base frame.
As per this link
I need to find the COG- provide inertia xyz as the COG, RPY as the same as the link pose RPY and then simply enter the moment of inertia at the COG w.r.t. the base frame. Can some one please confirm this?
<link name="baseFrame"> <pose frame="">-0.2375 0.07875 -0.00875 1.5708 -0 0</pose> <inertial> <mass>1</mass> <inertia> <ixx>0.166667</ixx> <ixy>0</ixy> <ixz>0</ixz> <iyy>0.166667</iyy> <iyz>0</iyz> <izz>0.166667</izz> </inertia> <pose frame="">0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose> </inertial>