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It's possible get a model link from other model?

Hi there,

I'am writing a plugin for Gazebo and my question is if is possible get a model link from other model? With none relationship between them, no child or parent. Some thing like this:

hydrophone_pos = this->link->GetWorldPose().Ign().Pos();

beaconpos = this->beaconlink->GetWorldPose().Ign().Pos();


Asked by fredvaz on 2018-03-22 12:33:58 UTC



First get the world:

auto world = this->GetWorld()

Then from the world get the other model:

auto beaconModel = world->GetModel("name_of_beacon_model")

Then get the link:

auto beaconLink = beaconModel->GetLink("name_of_beacon_link")

Asked by chapulina on 2018-03-22 17:58:41 UTC


Thanks! It's works! :D

Asked by fredvaz on 2018-03-23 12:25:34 UTC