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Removing an URDF model from the physic engine's calculations


currently we are trying to update a model's pose within a model plugin. When using this plugin within an URDF, the model (with dynamic joints) wobbles around and the base plane starts to swing. Since, we want to determine the model's pose by ourselves, we want to set the model to static in order to remove it from the physics engine's calculations.

I know, there is a <static>true</static> tag in sdf-models. We tried to set the same tag in an URDF xml tag, as well as via the function Model::setStatic(bool) in the ModelPlugin, but both approaches doesn't work.

So, how can we remove an URDF-based model from the physic engine?

Asked by Illuminatur on 2018-03-26 13:33:16 UTC



Did you try any of the answers posted here:

Asked by Raskkii on 2018-04-02 03:40:50 UTC
