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Stereo camera simulation Gazebo


I created a sdf for the stereo camera using the Gazebo plugin (for publishing to ROS topics). However, There are few things I'm really confused about -

Even on setting <static> true </static> in the sdf file, the cameras (left and right) images change on resizing the stereo camera ( for which Im just using a box as a mesh). Is this expected ?

More importantly, does this imply that the Translation between the two cameras has changed ? ( I tried verifying this by saving the new world file and comparing against the older one, but both had the same <hackBaseline> tag value.

I wish to make some calculations based on the stereo cameras calibration parameters and hence this is quite important.

If someone wishes to see the relevant XML for this :

<sensor type="multicamera" name="stereo_camera">
        <camera name="left">
        <camera name="right">
          <pose>0 -0.07 0 0 0 0</pose>
        <plugin name="stereo_camera_controller" filename="">

I would be very grateful if someone can help out on this.


Asked by malhar on 2018-04-07 15:45:00 UTC



Malhar: What do you mean "resizing". Actually I am using the exactly same plugin as you are except the different parameters. My result is below. screen of gazebo C:\fakepath\gazebo.png and screen of RViz C:\fakepath\left and right image in RViz.png. PS: Do you know where I can see the cpp code of ? Thank you very much.

Asked by luxiaojun on 2018-05-12 22:23:31 UTC
