Cannot pair Gazebo and MoveIt ([UR3] process has finished cleanly)
Hi everyone, I am quite new in ROS and Gazebo World, but I am a quick learner. When I start a launch file I made or I've downloaded from GitHub, ROS starts properly the nodes and load the parameters into the server but after that it close controllers nodes. I believe that this is the reason why I cannot pair Gazebo simulation with MoveIt! trajectory planning.
My current Linux version is Ubuntu 16.04 and I am running gazebo 7.12.0 on ROS Kinetics (as Gazebo suggest)
Here's what I get when I try to run ur3.launch file given as an example of UR Robots.
diego@ubuntu:~/tfgws$ roslaunch urgazebo gazebo_cont.launch ... logging toC:\fakepath\gazebo_cont.launch /home/diego/.ros/log/79980020-4ea9-11e8-a99a-000c29951c1e/roslaunch-ubuntu-22499.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:36059/
PARAMETERS * /armcontroller/actionmonitorrate: 10 * /armcontroller/constraints/elbowjoint/goal: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/elbowjoint/trajectory: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/goaltime: 0.6 * /armcontroller/constraints/shoulderliftjoint/goal: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/shoulderliftjoint/trajectory: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/shoulderpanjoint/goal: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/shoulderpanjoint/trajectory: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/stoppedvelocitytolerance: 0.05 * /armcontroller/constraints/wrist1joint/goal: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/wrist1joint/trajectory: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/wrist2joint/goal: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/wrist2joint/trajectory: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/wrist3joint/goal: 0.1 * /armcontroller/constraints/wrist3joint/trajectory: 0.1 * /armcontroller/joints: ['shoulderpanjo... * /armcontroller/statepublishrate: 25 * /armcontroller/stoptrajectoryduration: 0.5 * /armcontroller/type: positioncontroll... * /jointstatecontroller/publishrate: 50 * /jointstatecontroller/type: jointstatecontr... * /robotdescription: <?xml version="1.... * /robotstatepublisher/publishfrequency: 50.0 * /robotstatepublisher/tfprefix: * /rosdistro: kinetic * /rosversion: 1.12.13 * /usesim_time: True
NODES / armcontrollerspawner (controllermanager/controllermanager) fakejointcalibration (rostopic/rostopic) gazebo (gazeboros/gzserver) gazebogui (gazeboros/gzclient) jointstatecontrollerspawner (controllermanager/controllermanager) robotstatepublisher (robotstatepublisher/robotstatepublisher) spawner (gazeboros/spawnmodel)
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [22512] ROSMASTERURI=http://localhost:11311
setting /runid to 79980020-4ea9-11e8-a99a-000c29951c1e process[rosout-1]: started with pid [22525] started core service [/rosout] process[gazebo-2]: started with pid [22542] process[gazebogui-3]: started with pid [22547] process[spawner-4]: started with pid [22551] process[robotstatepublisher-5]: started with pid [22553] process[fakejointcalibration-6]: started with pid [22554] process[jointstatecontrollerspawner-7]: started with pid [22555] process[armcontrollerspawner-8]: started with pid [22556] [ INFO] [1525335045.243122289]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [ INFO] [1525335045.251168850]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/setphysicsproperties] has not been advertised, waiting... SpawnModel script started [ INFO] [1525335045.836712006, 0.023000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/setphysicsproperties] is now available. [INFO] [1525335045.887786, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1525335045.892826, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawnurdfmodel [INFO] [1525335045.894417, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawnurdfmodel [ INFO] [1525335045.929183673, 0.089000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready. [INFO] [1525335046.010296, 0.111000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [ INFO] [1525335046.215400320, 0.111000000]: Loading gazeboroscontrol plugin [ INFO] [1525335046.215826831, 0.111000000]: Starting gazeboroscontrol plugin in namespace: / [ INFO] [1525335046.220871578, 0.111000000]: gazeboroscontrol plugin is waiting for model URDF in parameter [robotdescription] on the ROS param server. [ INFO] [1525335046.341270361, 0.111000000]: Loaded gazeboroscontrol. Loaded armcontroller Loaded jointstatecontroller Started ['armcontroller'] successfully Started ['jointstatecontroller'] successfully [spawner-4] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/diego/.ros/log/79980020-4ea9-11e8-a99a-000c29951c1e/spawner-4.log [jointstatecontrollerspawner-7] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/diego/.ros/log/79980020-4ea9-11e8-a99a-000c29951c1e/jointstatecontrollerspawner-7.log [armcontrollerspawner-8] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/diego/.ros/log/79980020-4ea9-11e8-a99a-000c29951c1e/armcontrollerspawner-8*.log
I am running Ubuntu on VMWare Player. Could it be this the problem? Does anyone know how to solve this? I think it starts properly the simulation but it crashes, Am I forgeting anything?
I include the launch file. And the xacro description used is the following one
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- Find where the robot description has been made -->
<!-- Including some material to give colors to objects -->
<!-- Create a link called world, it's our fixed reference frame -->
<!-- Including one table to the model. UR3 robot will stand on it -->
<mesh filename="package://tfg_main/meshes/mesa/mesa.dae"/>
<material name="grey"/>
<origin xyz="-0.75 -0.35 -0.6" rpy="0 0 0"/>
<mesh filename="package://tfg_main/meshes/mesa/mesa.dae"/>
<origin xyz="-0.75 -0.35 -0.6" rpy="0 0 0"/>
<!-- Incuding a camera fixed frame -->
<!-- Including in to the scene the robot we want to study -->
<!-- Joint between the world and the table -->
<!-- Joint between the world and the camera -->
<!-- Joint between the table and the robot -->
<!-- Adding a gazebo pluggin into the robot -->
<!-- Gazebo common stuff -->
Thanks in advance for your help, Diego
Asked by DiegoR on 2018-05-03 02:30:56 UTC
This might help you: or!-and-Gazebo-Integration-(WIP). I did this with an UR5 robot and it was quite straightforward, it's getting a lot more tricky if you don't have a gazebo package of your robot. But luckily the UR packages are quite good & complete. If there's still a problem just comment.
Asked by RedJohn on 2018-05-04 01:50:25 UTC
Thank you! That's very usefull :)
Asked by DiegoR on 2018-05-05 04:22:58 UTC