Gazebo ROS package structure
I need to use Gazebo with ROS to do my academic exercises.
Reading the Tutorial: Using roslaunch to start Gazebo, world files and URDF models, on section, Creating your own Gazebo ROS Package, I've found this text:
"Everything concerning your robot's model and description is located, as per ROS standards, in a package named /MYROBOT_description ..."
I have tried to find those ROS standards but I don't know where they are.
Is there any standard to add a robot to a ROS package? Where can I find more information about it?
Asked by VansFannel on 2018-05-15 09:19:59 UTC
You could take a look at this tutorial series for guidance on how to use Gazebo with ROS:
Asked by chapulina on 2018-05-15 10:47:51 UTC
That is what I'm reading.
Asked by VansFannel on 2018-05-16 08:53:45 UTC
If your doubt is specifically about ROS standards, I recommend you ask at
Asked by chapulina on 2018-05-16 11:48:16 UTC
ROS' wiki redirects me to Gazebo, this is why I'm asking here. Thanks.
Asked by VansFannel on 2018-05-16 12:03:51 UTC
I'm sorry that you're being bounced around. As far as I know, there isn't any documentation with recommendations regarding robot description packages. Your best bet would be to look at existing packages, such as pr2_description, husky_description, etc.
Asked by chapulina on 2018-05-16 12:48:09 UTC