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Is it possible to decrease the ground_plane size ?

asked 2018-05-28 09:07:09 -0500

gkbot gravatar image


I see that the ground_plane model is used in the empty world. and it seems to infinitely large. My bot travels to the edge of the defined size of 100x100 , but it still seems to keep on going and floating in air. Is it possible to make it fall down?

Any input would be useful. Thanks

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What if you put a 100x100 cuboid on top of ground_plane? Then the robot would fall off.

raequin gravatar imageraequin ( 2018-05-29 09:59:26 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-05-29 10:22:25 -0500

chapulina gravatar image

The plane is infinite for physics, so if you want the robot to fall off, your best bet is to create a large box as @raequin suggested, be sure to make it static.

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Asked: 2018-05-28 09:07:09 -0500

Seen: 120 times

Last updated: May 29 '18