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Gazebo Road functionality: Creating roads programmatically

Hi guys,

i wrote a plugin, that parses information from a map and derives a representation of roads and intersections, similiar to OpenStreetMap. The roads then are converted into msgs::Road and published on the topic ~/roads once(!) in a function, in a callback, which is registered on OnWorldUpdateBegin().

Now, i have recognized, that the more roads i am sending (publisher queue is large enough), the more unreliable the visualization works: Sometimes all roads are visualized, sometimes only a few and occasionally no roads are visualized.

This effect occurs in Gazebo 6.5.1 as well as Gazebo 8.4. Since Gazebo 8 i am also assigning unique message identifiers in the msg to be handled uniquely in the OGRE scene graph, so this cannot be the reason.

I would be pleased to receive any help or hints. Best regards!

Asked by Illuminatur on 2018-06-01 00:50:17 UTC

