UR3 URDF modification does not load well in Gazebo
Hi all! I'm quite new to Gazebo and i'm working with an UR3. I'm trying to add an end effector that I created. I managed to make the model with the URDF file, but when I try to load it in Gazebo I get the following error:
[ERROR] [1530088013.617060575, 0.630000000]: Could not find joint 'shoulder_pan_joint' in 'hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface'.
[ERROR] [1530088013.617378163, 0.630000000]: Failed to initialize the controller
[ERROR] [1530088013.617556843, 0.630000000]: Initializing controller 'arm_controller' failed
Error when loading arm_controller
[ERROR] [1530088013.621726505, 0.631000000]: Could not start controller with name arm_controller because no controller with this name exists
Error when starting ['arm_controller']
And i don't understand why that happens, since the shoulderpanjoint exists and works in the original file that I modified in order to add the end effector. The model loads, but it falls down, here's a picture of it:
If anyone happens to know what's the problem and how to solve it, it would help me a lot. I'm using Ros Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04. Thank you very much in advance!
Asked by thisyearspairo on 2018-06-27 03:36:19 UTC
What launch file are you running to load the urdf? Looks like the urdf is spawning just fine, but
is generating ERRORS. I'd also double check to make sure that you made only additive changes - mistakes happen.Asked by josephcoombe on 2018-06-27 12:30:10 UTC
Hello! Yes, it was a error of deleting something that i shouldn't have, I managed to make it work, but thank you very much for your answer.
Asked by thisyearspairo on 2018-06-28 02:43:13 UTC
Hi I met with the same problem, could you please tell me how to fix it? Much appreciated.
Asked by saltedfish_mountain on 2019-03-17 07:58:38 UTC
Problem fixed. This problem appears because of lacking transmission tab. My robot.xacro file does not contain transmission for the robot. I send the xacro to the parameter server and spawn the robot in gazebo, so this problem appears.
Asked by saltedfish_mountain on 2019-03-17 08:36:47 UTC
Actually I have a robot.urdf file which contains transmission for the robot. So I use the following command in the robot.launch file:
< param name="robot_description" textfile="$(find kuka_kr210_support)/urdf/kr210l150.urdf"/ >
This line send the urdf to the parameter server. It works well. Hope this help others who are struggling with the same problem.
Asked by saltedfish_mountain on 2019-03-17 08:38:24 UTC