gazebo_ros_vacuum_gripper problem [closed]

asked 2018-07-09 09:48:45 -0500

user90 gravatar image

Hello all, I am using the gazebo_ros_vacuum_gripper plugin for my robot. I followed all the steps that should be done; however I am not able to grip a box. Here are the steps that I am executing: - Getting close to the box - Calling the service rosservice call /robot/vacuum_gripper/on "{}" - Then, trying to move the box.

Note: When I am defining the plugin, I am typing the robotNamespce, the bodyName and the topicName.

Is there any step that I am not executing?

Thank you all for your help

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by user90
close date 2018-08-03 06:52:47.401120