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Collada model is not visible in gazebo 8/9 if transparent = A_ONE

I use a number of Collada models received from SolidWorks using different converters (Blender, OpenCollada, 3DMax). All models are correctly visualized in gazebo 7 but not visible in gazebo 8/9 (collision works)

As I discovered, the problem is related to the transparent tag in dae files. If it is set to RGBZERO then models are visible in gazebo 7/8/9. But if it is set to AONE then model is visible only in gazebo 7, but it is invisible in gazebo 8/9. Also, if transparent is removed from dae file, the models are also visible in all versions of gazebo. AONE is set by OpenCollada and blender converters, RGBZERO – 3DMax.

As I saw, the code for processing transparent in changed between 7th and 8th versions but it looks correct in the 8th and 9th versions.

The interesting part of my dae files looks like this:

<transparent opaque="A_ONE">
     <color>1 1 1 1</color>

The question is: does the problem lie in how gazebo handles transparent or in incorrect parameters specified by the exporters?

Asked by blatic on 2018-07-22 14:13:51 UTC


I've also observed this. However, if I add a transparency tag after it, it works.

1 1 1 1


Asked by arifrahman on 2018-08-13 20:57:06 UTC

Would be happy to know about your further research you might have done for this topic.

Asked by pmuthu2s on 2019-05-29 03:37:26 UTC

Hi i was having a similiar problem, i solve it exporting the dae in a newer version of blender 2.82.7 works just fine in Gazebo 9.

The original model was exported in blender 2.78.0.

And i notice that the transparent flag it doesnt appears in the blender 2.82.7.

Hope to hear news about this problem.

Asked by nmarticorena on 2020-05-29 02:02:02 UTC
