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Tower of Hanoi: Objects jumping when stacked

I am trying to build a "Tower of Hanoi" simulation in Gazebo.

For that I have a model with 3 pins and a few rings with different sizes.

If I place these rings on top of each other, they simply jump away after the fourth or so.

image description

You can see the behaviour here in this video:

I already tried to set the dampingFactor, minDepth and a few other parameters, but that didn't fix it:

image description

Also, the Inertia matrix is correct and the center of mass is also in the middle of the rings.

The whole source code to reproduce the problem is here:

How do I have to modify the URDF to successfully stack the rings?

Asked by SailAvid1 on 2018-09-17 08:10:34 UTC



Try setting the maxVel parameter to a low value.



Asked by josephcoombe on 2018-09-17 10:44:39 UTC


We've done a Hanoi tower demo before, you can see the parameters here if you're interested.

Asked by chapulina on 2018-09-17 11:18:45 UTC
