Tower of Hanoi: Objects jumping when stacked
I am trying to build a "Tower of Hanoi" simulation in Gazebo.
For that I have a model with 3 pins and a few rings with different sizes.
If I place these rings on top of each other, they simply jump away after the fourth or so.
You can see the behaviour here in this video:
I already tried to set the dampingFactor, minDepth and a few other parameters, but that didn't fix it:
Also, the Inertia matrix is correct and the center of mass is also in the middle of the rings.
The whole source code to reproduce the problem is here:
How do I have to modify the URDF to successfully stack the rings?
Asked by SailAvid1 on 2018-09-17 08:10:34 UTC
Try setting the maxVel parameter to a low value.
Asked by josephcoombe on 2018-09-17 10:44:39 UTC