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Gazebo 9 + ROS, /odom topic timestamp is not being updated

Hello, I have a strange issue. I am using differentialdrivecontroller plugin () to simulate a ROS robot in gazebo. I am under Kinetic, with the standard gazebo version (7) everything works well, but when using gazebo 9, the timestamp of the odom message generated by the gazebo differentialdrivecontroller plugin is not being updated (and also the tf broadcast timestamp). I don't know if the bug is specific to gazebo 9 or to gazebo 9 + ros melodic. Any clue? Maybe the question should go to ROS answer?

Asked by doisyg on 2018-09-18 10:19:37 UTC


I think that using the gazebo_ros_pkgs issue tracker is the best place to ask

Asked by Jose Luis Rivero on 2018-10-04 12:21:24 UTC
