Comparison between Gazebo and V-REP
Hello, I try to make comparaison between Gazebo and V-REP simulators, and i find this link:
Is it true that for Gazebo : 1) The interface froze a number of times and the program, and sometimes the computer, had to be restarted. This occurred, e.g., when editing robot models, starting or stopping the simulation, and in other instances.
2)The UI usability is relatively low. For example, the top application tool bar sometimes disappears, it is not possible to copy and paste multiple objects, or to save a scene into the same file after making changes to it.
3)The model library is not distributed with Gazebo, and it is instead available on-line. On multiple occasions, the library could not be accessed because Gazebo could not connect to its server, even though the computer was connected to the Internet.
4)The model library is a long list of models and particular model types (e.g., robots) can be difficult to find.
Thanks for your help