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gazebo heightmap rendering weird

I was using heightmap of a room layout in gazebo and rviz to visualize the camera view. However, the rendered view is not stable - i.e. the ground keeps flickering and the walls are loaded in a strange manner. image description

I am running Kinetic and my model.sdf looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
    <model name="heightmap">
      <link name="link">
        <collision name="collision">
              <size>42.5 42.5 5</size>
              <pos>0 0 0</pos>
        <visual name="visual_abcedf">
              <size>42.5 42.5 5</size>
              <pos>0 0 0</pos>

Any help is appreciated.

Update: Turns out that the flickering ground is caused by a conflicting ground plane with the heightmap model. I moved the ground plane up by 0.1 m and it is good.

Still having an issue with the scene not fully loaded in the camera.

Asked by zywang on 2018-10-29 12:51:23 UTC

