Some links in Install on Windows fail
In Install on Windows, the links of protobuf 2.6.0 and Qt 4.8.6 fail so that I cannot download the files. Does anyone know where can I find the same files, or contact website administrator to update those links?
In addition, can Gazebo be installed on win10 by that installation procedure?
Asked by jwchang on 2018-10-29 22:20:09 UTC
That page is a bit out of date, as it refers to Qt4, which corresponds to gazebo7 and under, which never fully worked on windows. Gazebo8 is currently the only one that builds properly in our CI server using Visual Studio 2013. Gazebo9 doesn't work in our CI server because Visual Studio 2017, but we haven't recompiled those dependencies for VS 2017.
We should update the tutorial to at least describe how to build gazebo8.
EDIT: please see this pull request for just this update:
Furthermore, you can see the list of available dependencies at this link:
Asked by scpeters on 2018-10-29 23:16:06 UTC
Thank for your reply. The link of protobuf 2.6.0 and Qt 5.7 in that pull request fail, so I download them from Index of /win32/deps.I follow the, but the step 10,11,12,13 fail. I save the error messgaes in this txt file( ) because there are too many lines in cmd. Can you help me how to fix it?
Asked by jwchang on 2018-11-04 05:02:57 UTC