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Gazebo not setting pose offset provided by world file

asked 2018-12-03 04:23:19 -0600

Eisenhorn gravatar image

updated 2018-12-03 04:23:43 -0600


I have exported some models from Blender to Collada. They had a certain pose offset from the origin.

In the world file I set an pose offset <pos e="">300 300 -20 0 0 0</pose> . For some models it works, and for some not. In the example below my_ground is compensated for the offset and the other model not.

I have started gazebo in verbose mode, but could find any errors or warnings other than for some material warnings

[Wrn] [] Unable to add material[Color_243_6103-material]

The example world file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.4">
  <world name="default">

   <model name="myWorld">
      <<pose>300 300 -20  0 0 0</pose> 

      <link name="my_ground">
        <visual name="visual">
        <collision name="collision">

      <link name="my_model">
        <visual name="visual">
        <collision name="collision">



BR & thanks for any help

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-12-06 10:49:06 -0600

nkoenig gravatar image

There could be issues with your DAE file. For example, the collada file could have units set. For example, take a look at the top of your DAE file and look for:

<unit name="inch" meter="0.0254"/>

The units could cause the DAE file to be scaled in an unexpected manner.

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Asked: 2018-12-03 04:23:19 -0600

Seen: 513 times

Last updated: Dec 06 '18