Installing Gazebo 9 and 10 from source
Hi guys,
I tried to install gazebo 9 and 10 from source on Ubuntu 16.04: link text.
I got these errors:
-- BUILD ERRORS: These must be resolved before compiling.
-- Missing: SDF version >=6. Required for reading and writing SDF files.
-- Missing: Ignition msgs1 library (libignition-msgs-dev).
-- Missing: Ignition math (libignition-math4-dev)
-- Missing: Ignition Transport (libignition-transport4-dev)
After installing the package libsdformat6-dev i got these errors :
-- BUILD ERRORS: These must be resolved before compiling.
-- Missing: Ignition msgs1 library (libignition-msgs-dev).
-- Missing: Ignition Transport (libignition-transport4-dev)
Even if I install the libignition-msgs-dev and libignition-transport4-dev. I still get exactly the same error message:
-- BUILD ERRORS: These must be resolved before compiling.
-- Missing: Ignition msgs1 library (libignition-msgs-dev).
-- Missing: Ignition Transport (libignition-transport4-dev)
I had to come back to gazebo 8 because it's the only version which work with the gui plugins. See this page for more information: link text Fyi, I tried a fresh install gazebo 9 and 10 on a computer that never had any gazebo installed on it.
Do you have an idea how to fix this issue?
Did you do the `apt-get remove...` step before installing?
As explained in the post, yes I followed the information on that link: and I've tried to install gazebo 9 and 10 on a computer that never had any gazebo installed on it.
@jordan did you find a solution to your issue?