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Unexplainable slowdown over time

I have a simple world plugin that creates several objects, waits a few seconds, deletes the old objects, and repeats this process several times.

For reasons I cannot identify, over the course of these iterations, the speed of the simulation slows down (the real time factor gets worse). Using the unix time utility to test, I've found the simulation starts off doing ~0.8 iterations per second, but after ~15 minutes of the simulation running, it gets down to 0.15 iterations per second.

Does anyone have any guesses as to the cause of this? My hacky solution is to just restart gazebo after 30 iterations, but this is hardly the best solution. You can see the relevant source code here. Thank you for your help.

Asked by david_d on 2019-01-06 15:35:26 UTC


Any reason why you're using Model::Fini instead of World::RemoveModel?

Asked by azeey on 2019-01-07 18:55:33 UTC

No reason in particular.

Asked by david_d on 2019-01-07 19:28:32 UTC


I think the preferred way of deleting a model is by sending an entity_delete request. I believe this avoids various race conditions and makes sure every subcomponent of Gazebo is notified of the deletion. Here's another explanation.

And here's a snippet of code as used in gz.

msgs::Request *msg = msgs::CreateRequest("entity_delete", modelName);
transport::PublisherPtr pub = node->Advertise<msgs::Request>("~/request");
pub->Publish(*msg, true);
delete msg;

Asked by azeey on 2019-01-08 10:45:13 UTC


Ah, it's a good suggestion, I wasn't aware that method existed. Unfortunately, I can't test if that fixes the slowdown, because now it crashes on iteration 3, every single time. I have no idea why, no error messages are listed, except for a single time, where this error appeared: (__pthread_mutex_lock_full: Assertion `INTERNAL_SYSCALL_ERRNO (e, __err) != ESRCH || !robust' failed.)

Very strange...

Asked by david_d on 2019-01-09 19:24:50 UTC