Pointcloud is published at 2Hz when using two 3D cameras gazebo_ros_depth_camera
I have a Gazebo simulation using ROS and in my mobile robot I am using two 3D cameras described by a gazebo_ros_depth_camera plugin (https://github.com/ros-simulation/gaz...). I have setup the plugin as follows:
<plugin name="camera3D_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_depth_camera.so">
<!-- Keep this zero, update_rate will control the frame rate -->
<!-- neither camera info is getting published, frame_id is empty
in points and both image headers -->
<!-- TODO(lucasw) is this used by depth camera at all? -->
Although I have the cameras setup at 200 Hz update frame rate, the publishing pointcloud rate (e.g. rostopic hz /camera3D_2/points) is between 4 to 7 Hz. Also, when I launch rviz, the publishing rate drops to 2 Hz. Do you think this is relative to some short of Gazebo physics update frequency setup, or maybe is relevant to my computer hardware resources? Any Ideas?
Thank you!