Can't change gravity in world-file
I'm new to Gazebo and SDF-files in general. The file I'm using works, but when I try to specify gravity to it, I get an error.
I get the following error when trying to change the gravity using a SDF file.
Warning [] XML Element[gravity], child of element[world] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[gravity]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
My SDF-file looks like this;
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
<world name="default">
<gravity>0 0 -0.1</gravity>
<physics type="ode">
<!-- Run as fast as possible -->
<!-- Simulator.cpp -->
<!-- Making this smaller seems to decrease rather than increase stability. -->
<!-- A global light source -->
<plugin name="tol-control" filename="" />
Any ideas why it says that SDF might not have this element defined?