How to make the robot move in gazebo?
Hi Hi I have imported an urdf of 6dof arm in to gazebo. I added transmission tags and gazebo plugin in urdf. I can see the arm model in Gazebo but it falls onto ground due to ground. Now i want to make the joints of the arm move. So i added the ros controls. I can see the topics when launched. But when i publish the values on corresponding topics the arm is not moving. I tried the example model of "rrbot" it works fine and implemented in the same way but my arm is not moving. Please help me i am missing something in the process.Attached the controls (yaml) files and launch files(launch) along with URDF in sdf format (Initially they are in .xacro and .gazebo formats but renamed with .sdf as i cannot upload those extensions in here)
rrbotword.launch -> launch file for gazebo rrbotcontrol.launch -> launch file for roscontrols rrbotgazebocontrol.yaml -> control file for gazebopidvalues (i found this in gazebo discussions) rrbotcontrol.yaml -> control file rrbot_gazebo.sdf -> urdf with gaebo tags rrbot.sdf -> main urdf
Asked by SkullKrusher on 2019-03-06 00:59:17 UTC
I have just looked into your .sdf file and the effort limit for your joints is 0. Can you try to increase it?
Asked by ce_guy on 2019-03-15 10:11:34 UTC