Animation plugin, animation with known positions
hi, guys. I am working on this project to simulate a short video of vehicles in Gazebo. I have followed the animated box tutorials, and my intention is to spawn animate cars' trajectory with known x,y locations, running with gazebo 7 with ubuntu 16.04. I have some codes that import an excel file containing the x,y coordinates into posArray, and want to animate each individual cars with different sets of x, y coordinates. So far, I can get one car moving but to populate more vehicles, I need to add multiple models in my world files, which are not very desirable. Any advice?
namespace gazebo {
class AnimatedBox : public ModelPlugin { public: void Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) {
int numLines = CountLines();
if (_sdf->HasElement("velocity"))
velocity = _sdf->Get<string>("velocity");
std::cout << "velocity is " << velocity << std::endl;
float posArray[100][2] = {0.00}; //initialise the position array;
// Store the pointer to the model
this->model = _parent;
// create the animation
// for (int i = 0; i < 2; i ++){
gazebo::common::PoseAnimationPtr anim(
// name the animation "test",
// make it last 10 seconds,
// and set it on a repeat loop
new gazebo::common::PoseAnimation("test", 10, true));
gazebo::common::PoseKeyFrame *key;
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
key = anim->CreateKeyFrame(i);
key->Translation(ignition::math::Vector3d(posArray[i][0], posArray[i][1], 0));
// Pointer to the model
physics::ModelPtr model;
// Pointer to the update event connection
event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
// Register this plugin with the simulator
Asked by rob00009 on 2019-03-18 13:51:05 UTC